William, owner of WJM Success Solutions, spends the morning preparing young minds at William Wirt Middle School for the rigors of life during their Career Day Breakfast event.  He shared his experiences as a former Coast Guard officer, aviator, and current business owner.  The students learned life lessons, importance of continued life-long learning, and how William’s STEM education prepared him to have a successful career of military service as an officer and aviator.  His interactive workshop gave all the students an experiential lesson in how to overcome challenges, get out of their comfort zones and act on their goals.

WJM Success Solutions, Inc. a speaking, training, coaching and consulting company is an extension of the passions that William has honed over more than 30 years as an officer and aviator in the United States Coast Guard.  The critical success factors that stand as the foundation for his company is Mindset, Skill set, Vision, Faith, Action, Integrity, and Perseverance.  After a career of assisting those in need at sea, he continues to assist individuals and organizations alike attain their goals and dreams because at WJM Success Solutions, they believe that “You Can Fly Higher Than You Ever Dreamed Possible.”

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