WJM Success Solution, Inc. recently had the opportunity to share one of its premier workshops with leaders from the nonprofit Friendship Place.  The workshop “Developing a Champion’s Mindset” was timely because the staff of Friendship Place that tirelessly serves the homeless community of Washington, DC rarely takes a moment to take care of themselves.  The workshop challenged participants with creating a champion’s mindset, continuing life-long learning, and creating a circle of influencers that are conducive for their individual growth so that they can in turn provide their clients with more opportunities to grow and contribute in their own lives.  WJM Success Solutions has been requested to return and train their entire staff after receiving rave reviews from its participants.

WJM Success Solutions, Inc. a speaking, training, coaching and consulting company is an extension of the passions that William has honed over more than 30 years as an officer and aviator in the United States Coast Guard.  The critical success factors that stand as the foundation for his company is Mindset, Skill set, Vision, Faith, Action, Integrity, and Perseverance.  After a career of assisting those in need at sea, he continues to assist individuals and organizations alike attain their goals and dreams because at WJM Success Solutions, they believe that “You Can Fly Higher Than You Ever Dreamed Possible.”

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